Podcast #74 | Becoming My Authentic Self - Helen Hughes

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Maire with Helen Hughes discuss how sometimes we are so task focused we don’t  think of our  purpose. We all have a unique purpose, individual to us only, we inhabit a particular part of the world at a particular time in history. We all have different personalities, identities, talents, temperaments, and cultural backgrounds.

Discovering your authentic self means devoting yourself to a lifetime of growth in self -awareness, realising your potential within the reality of your personal circumstances. This work session helps us to develop our own personal statement of strategy focusing on our Purpose, Values, and Action plan. Living an authentic life means being genuine, and true to our purpose.

Starting with Values Resource from a Hearts+Minds event with Helen Hughes
The Way, Chapter 1 - Character, Josemaría Escriva de Balaguer
Virtuous Leadership, Alexandre Havard
Discovering Authentic Leadership. ‘ Be Who You Are’ - Harvard Business Review 
Stolen Focus: Why You Can't Pay Attention--And How to Think Deeply Again, Johann Hari

Chapters in Podcast

0:08 -What does it mean to be authentic?

2:04 - Consistent themes in authentic people.

3:39 - Define your purpose in your life

5:28 - What are your values and why they matter?

11:09 - How much it costs to process feedback

13:17 - The importance of being true to yourself

15:33 - Mentorship and action planning

19:32 - The danger of not taking time to think

21:35 -Becoming authentic is a process

23:44 -The importance of being real and managing expectations.

Transcript of Podcast


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