Podcast #76 | 3 reasons why I find it hard to commit?

Photo by Ryan Franco on Unsplash

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Why do we find it hard to commit. Is it because the dominant culture is one of choice and our infinite browsing skills have transmitted to life. 

In today's podcast we explore why we have trouble committing to relationships, why we find it hard to commit to a career path and why we distrust organised religion, politics and any major institution. Why do we have low attention spans and low commitment spans? (If you find it hard to understand this phenomenon try browsing Netflix some evening - you will experience it - we are in this world too).  

We discuss the 3 reasons why we find it hard to commit Fear of regret, Fear of association and fear of missing out, FOMO. We dig into key ideas from Pete Davis in his book “Dedicated” and we explore the idea of Master committers, that we yearn for - individuals who role play commitment in their everyday lives.

Dedicated, Pete Davis
Stolen Focus, Johann Hari


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